Thursday, April 28, 2011

Biologically, we all start as "assholes"

Кросс-пост с персонального блога

Biologically, we are start as "assholes", but some stay as ones for the rest of their lives...

Let me explain. When an egg starts to divide sometime between 32 and 64 cells it beсomes a small bag -- a little ball of cells with a small hole. Notice, "hole". Imagine some coral or hydra polyps:

In the end, it's simply a bag with a hole. They get water in, and then throw it out leaving any food inside. that's what human fetus is at that stage.

Next, most species add another hole on another end becoming a feeding tube -- the phase of a worm, but at first there is only one hole and that's pretty much all that fetus is.

Now, after that there is a dramatic difference between chordate and everybody below. Those below have a spiral symmetry, so the original hole becomes their mouth. Chordate have bilateral symmetry, and the original hole becomes their... well, asshole. Can I remind you that on the previous stage that's all human fetus is?

Isn't it amazing, how important for a human is self-improvement?

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